The Disembodied Pussy

tumblr_lghjt4u9UX1qbzd9eo1_500Men only ever become pussy whipped because they want to.

Straight boys are fascinated in a woman’s vagina almost to the exclusion of all else-expect friction-and this chalice of womanhood has been celebrated in art, music, free porn, and literature as much as the phallus that fits inside it. Other female body parts may fascinate the straight guy, even gat man have been known to take notice of a firm high shelf of breasts or a nice swaying buttocks, still it is the vagina that ultimately has the most pull.

But over the time of a straight man’’s life the cunt, vaja-jay, hairpie-whatever it is to be called-becomes less of a fascination, less something women can hold out from their partners or wield with impunity.

Because over time, men realize there is a woman attached to that pussy.


It takes a man a while but he does come around. First he has to get his mind off fucking. He has to realize that the fact that his dick is hard is truly only fascinating to him! Hopefully from this ephifany he learns to care about and subsequently please his bed partner, whomever he or she happens to be. Lastly, the man might grow to the point where he stops objectifying, or at least tempers his need to objectify, body parts to the exclusion of the person who sports a pair of breasts or a cute ass. And then, the very thing women wish men would do more often-notice them as a whole-renders a woman less powerful.


If a man begins to notice the whole woman, not just her ass, tits and that deep well of her mystery her vagina, then the woman no longer has the mystery of her parts to hold over her man. Men who wish to be controlled by the cunt can still be, but that is a self-imposed slavery to a body part most adult men will not coddle. Seasoned guys will no longer worship a woman’s parts simply because they have grown to the point where they recognize a woman is a sum of her parts. Sure, guys are still set-up to see first and fit the piece into the whole later, but the pieces become less important as men grow older.


Or if not, they stay ready and waiting to be pussy whipped …just like they want to be.

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